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Explore the Best of the Keystone State: 10 Irresistible Reasons to Make Pennsylvania Your Next Home

benefits of moving to pennsylvania

If you thought Pennsylvania was just the land of cheesesteaks and Liberty Bells, think again! Nestled in the heart of the Northeast, Pennsylvania offers a stunning blend of cultural richness, economic opportunities, and natural beauty that might just make you want to call your moving company.

Whether you’re drawn by the historical landmarks that pepper the state or the promise of a new job in one of its bustling cities, Pennsylvania has a little something for everyone. Let’s dive into the top ten reasons why packing your bags and moving to the Keystone State could be one of your best decisions yet.

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Top 10 Benefits Of Moving To Pennsylvania

1. Diverse Climate and Beautiful Landscapes

Ready to experience all four seasons in their full glory? Pennsylvania rolls out a weather buffet that serves up chilly winters, blooming springs, warm summers, and autumns so colorful they look like they’ve been photoshopped. With an average annual snowfall of about 38 inches in the Pocono Mountains—yes, that’s a real number—winter sports enthusiasts will find plenty of reasons to love it here.

And if you think that’s cool, wait until you see the landscapes. Pennsylvania’s geography is as varied as its climate. From the rolling hills and vineyards of the Brandywine Valley to the rugged beauty of the Allegheny National Forest, the state offers more than 121 state parks and 2.2 million acres of state forest land, ripe for exploration. Whether you’re a hiker, a biker, or just a stroller, you’ll find that Pennsylvania’s outdoors isn’t just a backdrop for postcards—it’s a playground for the adventurous at heart.

So, if your idea of a good time includes breathing in the crisp mountain air or watching fall leaves turn from your backyard, Pennsylvania might just be your nature-loving paradise. Just don’t forget your camera—or your coat, depending on the season!

2. Strong Economy and Job Opportunities

If you’re moving to Pennsylvania in hopes of finding a pot of gold, you might just be in luck—though we recommend seeking employment over rainbow chasing for more consistent results. Pennsylvania boasts a robust economy that’s as diverse as its population. With a Gross State Product of over $803 billion, it ranks as the sixth-largest economy in the U.S. That’s not just pocket change!

The Keystone State is a powerhouse in industries ranging from manufacturing and agriculture to finance and technology. In fact, Pennsylvania is home to 50 Fortune 500 companies, offering plenty of opportunities whether you’re just kicking off your career or looking to climb the corporate ladder. Cities like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are burgeoning tech hubs, often compared to the likes of Silicon Valley but without the outrageous living costs. And let’s not forget about Hershey, which is as sweet a place to work as it sounds, thanks to its famous chocolatier.

Moreover, Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate typically hovers below the national average, signaling a healthy job market. So, whether you’re into building robots, banking, or baking pretzels, there’s likely a career opportunity waiting for you here. Just remember, while the state can offer the job, you’ll still have to do the interviews yourself!

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3. Rich Historical Significance

Thinking of moving to Pennsylvania? Well, history buffs, rejoice! You’re about to live in the state where the Declaration of Independence was signed—talk about old roommates! Pennsylvania is steeped in American history, making it not just a great place to live but also a giant classroom for history enthusiasts of all ages.

The state is home to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, where the founding fathers debated and, occasionally, agreed on how to build a new nation. But that’s just the start. Venture out to Gettysburg, and you can walk the fields of one of the most important battles of the Civil War. It’s more than just a field trip; it’s a journey back in time—no DeLorean needed.

Beyond battlefields and bells, Pennsylvania has over 300 museums. Yes, you heard that right—museums with an ‘s’! From the eclectic Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh to the hallowed halls of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the state offers cultural experiences that rival its historical ones.

So, if you want your daily jog to take you past historical landmarks or prefer your coffee breaks to include a side of the Constitution, Pennsylvania might just be your dream destination. Just remember, while living here, you’re always standing on the shoulders of giants—figuratively speaking, of course.

4. Quality Education System

Considering moving to Pennsylvania for educational opportunities? Great choice—especially if you believe in the power of knowledge (or just really like being near libraries). Pennsylvania doesn’t just have schools; it’s practically brimming with brainpower. With over 500 school districts, numerous nationally ranked high schools, and more than 260 colleges and universities, this state could well be nicknamed ‘The Smart State.’

Among these institutions are heavyweight universities like the University of Pennsylvania and Carnegie Mellon University. Penn, a member of the Ivy League, boasts an acceptance rate that could make a postage stamp feel wide—at about 8%. Carnegie Mellon, on the other hand, is a global leader in fields like computer science and engineering—perfect for nurturing the next generation of Einsteins or Zuckerbergs.

But it’s not all about the ivory towers. Pennsylvania’s commitment to education can be seen in its public school system, too. The state spends approximately $16,000 per pupil annually, which is above the national average. This investment helps ensure that whether in urban or rural areas, children have access to quality education.

So, pack your textbooks along with your winter coat. In Pennsylvania, education is considered as vital as a good cheesesteak. Whether you’re aiming for academia or practical skills, this state’s educational landscape is as rich and diverse as its historic grounds.

5. Vibrant Arts and Culture Scene

If you’re considering moving to Pennsylvania and you love culture, you’re in luck—because Pennsylvania is practically an arts and culture factory. And no, we’re not just talking about the kind that involves dunking pretzels in chocolate (though that’s an art form in itself). The Keystone State is bursting with cultural offerings that could fill calendars faster than a New York minute.

In Philadelphia, the Avenue of the Arts is the heartthrob of the city’s cultural life, featuring institutions like the Kimmel Center, which hosts over 300 performances a year—from opera to jazz to comedy. That’s more performances than there are days in winter! Pittsburgh counters with its Cultural District, where you can take in a Broadway show, visit an art gallery, or enjoy the symphony all within a few blocks.

And let’s not forget the smaller towns, which are heavy hitters in their own right. Places like Lancaster and Bethlehem are not just names on a historical map; they host vibrant arts scenes that include music festivals, art walks, and theaters that keep the cultural tapestry rich and engaging.

Art isn’t just hung on the walls here; it’s performed, lived, and celebrated daily. With Pennsylvania’s 140 museums, you could potentially visit a new one every 2.6 days for a year—though we recommend pacing yourself. So, if your idea of a fun Friday night includes a stroll through a gallery or a live performance, Pennsylvania might just be your cultural soulmate.

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6. Affordable Cost of Living

Thinking about your wallet when considering moving to Pennsylvania? Good news: your wallet might just thank you for it. Pennsylvania offers an affordable cost of living that makes other states look like they’re selling gold-plated groceries. Whether you’re looking to buy a house or rent an apartment, you’ll likely find prices that won’t make your bank account weep.

For instance, the median home cost in Pennsylvania is about $198,377. Compare that to places like New Jersey or California, where you might need to mortgage your first-born to afford a broom closet. Even in cities like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, you can find homes at prices that don’t require you to be a tech mogul or lottery winner.

And it’s not just housing that’s affordable. The overall cost of living here is about 10% lower than the national average. That means everything from groceries to gas to gig tickets costs less, leaving you with more money to enjoy what the state has to offer. Plus, with an average property tax rate lower than its northeastern neighbors, Pennsylvania ensures that you get to enjoy more of your hard-earned cash in your daily living—not just when buying your home.

So, if you’re looking for a place where you can live comfortably without selling a kidney, and still have enough left over for a decent cheesesteak, Pennsylvania might just be your new home sweet home.

7. Access to Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare in Pennsylvania is so accessible, you might just start scheduling doctor’s appointments for fun! Okay, maybe not for fun, but you’ll definitely be covered when you need it. With some of the top hospitals in the country, such as the University of Pennsylvania Hospital and the UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside in Pittsburgh, you’re never far from excellent care.

These aren’t just any hospitals; they’re innovation hubs. The University of Pennsylvania Hospital, for instance, is ranked among the top 10 in the nation. It’s a place where groundbreaking research meets clinical excellence, which means you’re getting top-tier treatment without having to travel to the coasts.

Beyond these giants, Pennsylvania boasts over 250 hospitals scattered throughout the state. And it’s not just the quantity, but the quality that stands out, with several hospitals consistently earning high marks for patient safety and satisfaction. So whether you’re dealing with a sneeze or something more serious, you can expect to receive care that’s nothing to sneeze at.

And for those thinking about their golden years, Pennsylvania is ranked as one of the best states for Medicare Advantage, with over 324 different plans available in 2023. That’s a lot of options to ensure your health is in good hands as you age. So if you’re looking for a place where the healthcare is as rich as the history, Pennsylvania might just be what the doctor ordered.

8. Strategic Location

Location, location, location—it’s not just a mantra for real estate agents. Pennsylvania’s geographic position is like the VIP section of the East Coast. Nestled between New York and Washington, D.C., it offers the perfect balance of small-town charm and big-city access.

Living in Pennsylvania means you can enjoy a quiet, star-filled night on your porch and still catch a Broadway show with just a short train ride. You’re literally hours away from some of the nation’s most bustling urban centers—2 hours to New York City, 2.5 hours to Washington, D.C., and even less to Baltimore and New Jersey. This makes Pennsylvania a commuter’s dream. Who needs to live in the hustle and bustle when you can just visit for the day?

And it’s not just about cities. Pennsylvania’s location also provides businesses with a strategic advantage. Its extensive network of highways and railways, combined with access to several major ports, makes it a hub for logistics and transportation. The state’s infrastructure supports over $1 trillion in goods transported annually, proving that roads here lead to more than just scenic views.

So, if you’re looking for a spot where you can reach for the stars (or at least easily commute to major cities), Pennsylvania’s geographical perks make it a prime candidate. It’s like being in the center of everything, without being in the center of everything!

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9. Welcoming Communities

Move over, ‘Minnesota nice,’ because ‘Pennsylvania pleasant’ is on the scene. If you’re considering a move to the Keystone State, you’ll find that the welcome mat is out and the neighbors are ready to lend a cup of sugar—or a whole cake, because why not? Pennsylvania’s communities are as diverse as its landscapes, ranging from bustling urban neighborhoods to quaint rural towns, each with a charm all its own.

In Pennsylvania, there’s a real sense of community that you can feel whether you’re in the historic streets of Philadelphia or the peaceful countryside of Lancaster County. Here, it’s easy to find a place where you fit in, thanks to a variety of lifestyles and cultures represented throughout the state. In fact, Pennsylvania is known for its diverse population, with a rich tapestry of cultural festivals, community events, and neighborhood gatherings that keep everyone connected.

Safety and family-friendliness are also hallmarks of Pennsylvania living. Many of the state’s towns regularly appear on lists of the safest and most family-friendly places in the United States. For instance, places like Horsham and Upper St. Clair offer top-notch schools and community services that make them ideal for raising kids.

Whether you’re a single professional, part of a growing family, or looking to retire, the communal vibe of Pennsylvania offers a supportive environment for new beginnings. So, pack your bags (and maybe a pie for the neighbors), and get ready to be part of Pennsylvania’s community tapestry. Here, ‘hello’ is more than a greeting—it’s an invitation.

10. Outdoor Recreation and Activities

If you think Pennsylvania is just a historical landmark and Amish country, think again. The Keystone State is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream, packed with adventures that could keep even the most restless spirits busy. Here, the great outdoors isn’t just a concept—it’s your backyard playground.

With more than 2.2 million acres of state forest land and 121 state parks, Pennsylvania isn’t just flirting with nature; it’s in a long-term relationship. Take a trip to the Pocono Mountains where over 150 lakes and several rivers await your canoe, kayak, or fishing rod. And if you’re more of a landlubber, there’s plenty of hiking, with trails ranging from beginner-friendly strolls to the challenging Appalachian Trail, which cuts through the state offering some breathtaking views—no Instagram filter needed.

In winter, areas like Camelback Mountain Resort transform into snowy wonderlands, offering some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the region. In fact, Pennsylvania boasts over 20 ski resorts, making it one of the top states on the East Coast for winter sports. And let’s not forget about hunting; Pennsylvania ranks third in the U.S. for the number of licensed hunters, so there’s plenty of camaraderie to be found during hunting season.

So, whether you’re a hiker, biker, skier, or just someone who enjoys a good picnic under the trees, Pennsylvania offers a slice of nature for every taste. Just remember to bring your outdoor gear—and maybe a little bit of adventurous spirit!

Having taken our scenic tour through the top ten reasons to move to Pennsylvania—from its diverse climate and landscapes to its thriving job market, rich history, and welcoming communities—it’s hard not to be a little bit tempted, right? Whether you’re drawn by the promise of adventure in its vast outdoor spaces or the allure of its cultural vibrancy, Pennsylvania offers a compelling blend of benefits that cater to a wide range of preferences and needs.

It’s a place where you can appreciate the past while living fully in the present, with all the modern conveniences and comforts. With its strategic location, you can be city-center one day and countryside-quiet the next. And let’s not forget the affordability factor, which allows you to enjoy a high quality of life without the high cost of living that plagues many other states.

So, whether you’re planning your next big move or just curious about what Pennsylvania has to offer, consider this a friendly nudge from the Keystone State saying, ‘Why not give us a try?’ After all, with so much to offer, you might just find yourself calling Pennsylvania home sooner than you think. And who knows? You might even become a pro at navigating those Pennsylvania Dutch markets or cheering for the local sports teams—just go easy on the cheesesteaks!

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